0Sunday. 10th June [1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 June 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 10th June [1883]. I went early to church & played the harmonium at the service. After lunch read—began to make catalogues of our books. Visit from Miss Sharp & her brother also from the Dss della Grazia & her 2 girls & also Css Valmarana. The Sharps have come from Rome to stay a little while. At 5 the Bagots came here & Lady Bagot went with us in our gondola to Malcolm’s garden. The Edens met us there. Mrs Eden & I prepared the tea & served it. Then we walked in the garden & came home after 6. Dressed & went to dine with the Edens. Met the Bagots (Ld & Ly). Pss Dolgorouky came there in the evening. Sat a little while on the balcony & came home early.

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