0Friday. 22nd June [1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 June 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 22nd June [1883]. I was writing in the morning when a Miss Wanehope came to call to ask me about her friend Miss Thesiger who is at the hotel rather unwell & very nervous. They wanted an English Dr from the Fleet & I said I would see about getting one. Mrs Eden came in the afternoon in her gondola & took me out with her so I begged her to go with me to the Hotel Britannia to see abt Miss Thesiger. We toiled up endless stairs & got to Miss Wanehope’s room. I went in to Miss Thesiger who was in bed & did not seem to me very ill. We persuaded her not to have the Fleet Dr but to send for Dr Cini the Italian. It came on to rain hard. Mrs Eden took me to her house to tea & Henry called for me later & took me home. Captn Winslow of the Helicon dined with us & we went to the Edens.

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