0Monday. 25th June [1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 June 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 25th June [1883]. Genl. de Bülow not having been well all day yesterday & having had to keep his room they could not leave today as they had intended & I sat with Mme de Bulow in the morng. After lunch Henry went to Guggenheim’s to choose woodcarvings he is to order for the Madrid Museum of Industry. I went to the Brandolins. Found Ninina & carried her off to the Italian Admiral (Martini) to see if they wd like to join our expedition tomorrow to see our Fleet. Found that they were preparing to give a grand dinner to our Adl but they did not care to go with us. We came home by 4 & took out the De Bulows. The Genl. was better & about again. We had a party in the evening—3 or 4 of our Officers came but not the Adl & all was over early.

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