0Friday. 6th July [1883]—Vienna
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 July 1883 — Vienna
Friday. 6th July [1883]. We had tea upstairs at 9 & then walked off to the Belvidere. We found it a very long hot walk but it was cool when once there. We were very much pleased with the pictures—especially the Tintoretto’s & Titians & above all the Velasquez’– The one of his family is very fine & there are 2 portraits of tiny Infantas & one of an older one—quite his best. We came back on foot to lunch very tired & hot, a little after 12. Mrs Drummond came to see us at 2 & offered to help me with my shopping. She went home & called for me ½ hour afterwards & took me to Jungmann’s in Albrect Platz where I ordered a gown wh was to cost 80 flos. It is crème batist & trimmed with red velvet—mounted on silk. Then we went for a hat & I chose one 26 fl gold colour straw trimmed with red velvet & ribbon. Returned to the hotel by 4. Then Henry & I drove off to the Lichtenstein Collection & stayed there till 6. A pretty little Morello, a Francabigio & a splendid Franz Hals. A fine series by Rubens designs done for tapestry. While here there was a thunderstorm & tremendous rain wh cooled the air. There was a very intelligent civil custodian at this gallery– There are quantities of pictures—2 floors full—but few fine things. We went back to the hotel & dined & then drove to the Volksgarten to hear Strauss’s band. We were joined by the Drummonds & met there also P. Labanoff the Russian Minister, M. Nelidoff the R. Ambr at Consple now on his way there. Bn Galvagna the Italian secy. We had delightful music. A military band alternated with Strauss’s. At 10.15 we set off to walk back to the hotel. Mr Drummond informed us of the sudden death of the D. of Marlboro from heart complaint. The bad Lord Blandford is now Duke & his father had not had time to sell all the fine things at Blenheim as he had intended. What will happen to the family now?

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