0Monday. 9th July [1883]—Vienna
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 July 1883 — Vienna
Monday. 9th July [1883]. Breakfast at 9 & drove off to Ct Czernins collection of pictures. Amongst a great deal of rubbish we found a wonderfully fine Jan van der Meer “himself in his studio painting from a model.” There was also a fine Paul Potter. We walked from there to the Imperial Palace to the Münzen Antiken Cabinet to see the wonderful gems amongst wh are the splendid cameos & intaglios. Then we asked if we could see the sculptures lately brought from Asia Minor. An official gave us a card for a man at the New Museum that it might be shown us. We had great difficulty in finding our way into the Museum wh is quite a new building. We were about to give up the attempt when we found a door open in the paling & went on & found we had hit upon the right place, we delivered our recommendation & got in at once. The cases were all open but lying on the ground in order. We found a gentleman at work making drawings & he managed to scrape up a little French & explained them to us. They are very much defaced by time & exposure but the “motif” is good & can well be made out. We walked home looking at all the new buildings by the way. Had lunch & rested. At 15 to 4 I went to Mrs Drummond came & got her to come out with us. We started to see the great china shop but had not gone a few steps before we settled a plan to start for Kahlenberg at 4 so we turned home & I wrote a letter then Henry & I started in a carriage for the steamer wh started from near the Hotel Metropole. The Drummonds did not turn up so we went without them & got in ¼ past 4 to Nussdorf. We were debating what to do & were going back to the edge of the Danube to wait for the next steamer when we came on Mr D & found they had missed their steamer & driven. We went up to the Fels Railway & in half an hour found our selves on the summit of the Kahlenberg. On the way from the station to the Hotel Mr D. made me go in to a booth where one could see oneself in different looking glasses wh made one look short fat tall broad &c a most absurd effect. We ordered our dinner & then went for a walk thro’ the woods to the Leopoldsberg an old church & restauration on another hill where we had a splendid view over Vienna & the country. It began to rain & we had to hurry back to Kahlenberg & only got there by 7, very hungry & had an excellent dinner on a verandah with a view over Vienna. We stayed till the last train back watching all the lights in Vienna lighting up wh had the effect of an illumination. It was dark at 10 when we got down to Nussdorf. There was a carriage waited for us & we drove back to Vienna by 11–

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