0Sunday. 26th August [1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 August 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 26th August [1883]. Sat & talked to Mrs Ross & worked– There was no church– Mr Malcolm returned abt 2 from Botzen. Our Giovanni went this morning to see Toni & helped to make some arrangements for Browns funeral. He found him much affected– Had visits after lunch from the Misses Digby Murray & Mme Castellani & then abt 5 Palmaroli came with his wife & son & a Mme Vessieux a French lady their friend. After tea we took them to Mr Malcolm’s garden & took a walk there & came home by dinner time. Went out in gondola in the evening & listened to the Pittori singing.

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