0Friday. 31st August [1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 August 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 31st August [1883]. I cut out the gondoliers new sashes with Hill who was up & upstairs but she did not seem so well. Sir Henry & Mr Thompson came to see the pictures & us & I plucked up courage to ask him abt Hill he offered to see her. He sent her to bed again & said she had some fever or other hatching & must keep in bed & take no medicine so she went off to bed again. We had tea at 4 & then went out in the gondola– Left Henry at the Stabto & went leaving cards & to the Piazza & on to Podio’s with Mrs Ross. We met Henry again in the Piazza & went home to dinner. There was [a] thunderstorm after dinner & we could not go out. I played the harmonium & we went to bed early. There was a little heavy rain of wh we were glad for our well & our flowers—but the storm was not thoro’ & the night was very hot & it thundered a great deal in the distance.

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