0Wednesday. 3rd October [1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 October 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 3rd October [1883]. Wrote letters &c. Css Marcello & her boy Geppino came to lunch & we had much talk over the lace schools. At 2 the 2 Miss Monks came & also Mr Grenville Berkeley & his daughter– We showed them the pictures & the Burano lace & Miss Monk sent for her niece out of the boat to see the lace & the girl bought a piece & Miss Berkeley also bought some. When they had gone Miss Lyall & Miss Gordon came & Henry showed the latter the pictures. A storm was threatening all the afternoon but did not actually come on till evening when there was some rain wh was most welcome to our wells. Sir Baliol & Lady Brett came at 5 & we had tea & they stayed talking some time. Css Marcello & her boy returned & dined with us at 7 & returned to Mogliano by the 9 o’clock train. Henry & I sat up in the studio, read & played cribbage.

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