0Tuesday. 9th October [1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 October 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 9th October [1883]. The d’Addas came up to the drawing room abt 11 & I occupied myself upstairs till then & then went down & talked to Dona Mariquita till 12 o’cl over our embroidery. At 12 Ersilia Canevaro came & we lunched & afterwards took them all up to see the studio & at 1.30 they all went off to the train to return to the country. Henry walked to the Stabto & at 3 I went to fetch him. As he was not ready I went to see Mrs Bronson & found the Brownings with her & after I had paid my visit I went back for Henry. We went to Guggenheim’s abt ordering 2 chairs for Mrs Rate—& on to another antiquary shop to look for some old doors to arrange for our stair but we found nothing & so came home to tea. Finished reading Froudes Life of Bunyan—which interested me very much. Dined at 7 & had Mr & Miss Browning, Mr Malcolm & Mr & Mrs James Alexander to dinner. The son & daughter of the latter called for their parents in the evening & we asked them up to tea. They all left abt 10. Fine evening. Glass tremendously high.

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