0Monday. 5th [November 1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 November 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 5th [November 1883]. Henry & Mr Malcolm went to the opening of the Cotonificio. We had a telegram from Mr & Mrs Kennedy saying they were at Milan & would come to us in the evening so I arranged about their room. Fernando came & we planted mignonette & pansies in the small boxes of the belvidere outside. Had guitar lesson of Negri with Miss Bronson at 12. Lunch at 1. Afterwards went out leaving cards & to meet Henry who walked to the Stabto. Home & had tea. Giov: went to Station to meet the Kennedys & they arrived here abt 8. Dined & went early to bed– I wrote a long letter to the C. Princess of Germany & sent Mrs Ross red damask curtain on approval.

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