0Saturday. 24th [November 1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 November 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 24th [November 1883]. Miss Holas came & we practised the duett again. After lunch Henry went to the Stabto & I went out in gondola with Mr Burton. He took me to see Mrs Jopling a lady artist who is here studying. She was at work on the head of a fair girl of 12 with bright blue eyes & a scaldino in her hands. We went on to the Edens & fetched Carry & went with her to look for mattings for the floors of our rooms. We found them at last after much difficulty & we came home by 5. Lady Evelyn & the Bullers came to tea. Emily came to see me in the morning & sat with us while we were at lunch. Henry, Mr Burton & I went to dine with Mrs Bronson. Met only the Brownings & Capt. Avignone & had a very pleasant evening. Browning wrote me some more of his microscopic writing to replace the last wh I had sent to the Crown Pss of Germany. We came home abt 11.30. Mrs Bronson & I amused ourselves with making Browning make a bout rimé. We wrote down the rhymes & gave him the word “Harem”– It was curious to see him write off an ode without hesitation or correction—& when he read it out to us it was really sense & clever– He put it at once in the fire in spite of a scream of protestation.

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