0Tuesday. 18th [December 1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 December 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 18th [December 1883]. There was a thunderstorm in the night & when we got up it was snowing heavily & the largest flakes were falling that I ever saw. Of course Olga did not come & so I did a great many odd jobs—sewed at the machine, practised guitar &c. After lunch the snow turned into rain. Henry went to Murano & took the Palgraves with him. I never stirred out but spent the afternoon pasting in newspaper scraps into the book. Wrote to Mrs Burr to ask her abt her son Arthur whom we hear has gone to America. Dined at 7.30 & then went to spend the evening at the Canevaros– Henry played whist and Ersilia & I tried over music—duetts of Haydn’s—she sang a little—I played some Schumann—& then we laughed a great deal. A lovely moonlit night.

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