0Thursday. 20th December [1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 December 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 20th December [1883]. I wanted to go out walking with Ersilia but she sent me word she could not. Arranged things, wrote, did odd jobs– Went out after lunch with Henry & took Emily R. who came to see me just before lunch. We took walk in Riva degli Schiavoni & left various notes asking English people to come to tea Christmas eveng. Home to tea. Tidied my studio to sit in this evening. Ct & Css Canevaro came & dined with us. Dr Simcola & Signor Lazari came in the evening & the gentlemen played whist in the library while Ersilia & I sat & talked in the studio & had tea.

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