0Monday. 21st January [1884]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 January 1884 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 21st January [1884]. Malgarotto the young artist came & Cortelazzo showed him how to reproduce my little statuettes in wax. I worked at the 4th of the figures all the morning & after lunch went out in gondola with Henry. We went to the Piazza where we met Olga Mocenigo & took a turn with her hearing more abt the death of the Metternich child. They made her confess the night before the child died—& the Cardinal confirmed her at 5 the next morng when she was unconscious & at 7 she died. She had not yet taken her first communion & so all these things were done in haste. We walked on the Riva dei Schiavoni & then came home. Css Marcello came to see me & then Mme de Blaas. Emily R & Mr Malcolm dined with us. We made cigarettes till 10 when they left & Henry & I went to the Canevaros. Frontali & Trombini were there & we had some charming music & did not come home till 12.

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