0Sunday. 3rd February [1884]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 February 1884 — Paris
Sunday. 3rd February [1884]. to Paris at 7.50 in the morng. Mr Belard met us. Went to hotel St Romain. Had breakfast & then I laid down till 12. Dressed. Had luncheon at 1. Henry went off to the Embassy. Dacre Du Cane came to see me at 3 & then he & I walked to the English church & went in & were going to take part in the service when we found it was a children’s service so we went out again & were going to walk back to the hotel when passing the Embassy gate we met Henry & Mr Cartwright. Henry gave me Lady Walsham’s address so we drove in a cab to the Avenue Marceau– She was not at home so we drove back to the Hotel St Romain. Henry who has a bad cold was in. We sat talking all 3 till 7 when we had dinner & Dacre went away about 9. We went to bed at 10.

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