0Wednesday. 13th February [1884]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 February 1884 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 13th February [1884]. Wrote letters in morning until Maria came & she stayed & lunched with us. At 3 I took Maria out with me in the carriage & we went straight down to Onslow Gardens to see Constance. Found her at home. Blanche came while we were there. Maria & I went on, shopped & returned to Savile Row by 5 & Connie & Blanche came to tea. I was not very well all day & by dressing time I had a very bad headache so that when we went to dine at the Burrs I felt quite ill. I was very vexed as we there met a lot of old friends. Sir A. Otway & his daughter, Mrs Kay, Mr & Mrs Lowell (U.S. Minister), Browning & Sir Thomas Erskine May &c &c. I sat between the 2 latter but I felt so ill all dinner time I could hardly speak & afterwards I had to go up to Mrs Burr’s room & cry & then was better & returned to the Drawing room & by the time I went home was much better. There was much talk about the note of censure wh the Opposition is bringing on—but all agree the party is so weak that the Govt need have no fear.

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