0Saturday. 8th March [1884]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 March 1884 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 8th March [1884]. I felt very headachy & unwell all the morning. Mrs Willy Hanson called & also Ella Drake who brought a small paraqueet to show me in wh she had invested for me. She took it home to instruct it & educate it for me. I went to Hunt & Roskells with Henry & he chose me a bangle bracelet with 5 diamonds to replace the one I lost in Milan & gave it me as a souvenir of our 15th wedding day which is tomorrow. Mrs Rassam & 2 girls came to lunch also Alice & Mildred, but my head got so bad I was obliged to go up to my room to lie down & there I had to remain all day. Henry took Alice to the Sat Pop Concert & Mrs Austin tried to take Mildred but they cd not get places. I was very sick in the evening & had to go to bed. Blanche dined with Henry & Temmy.

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