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14 March 1884 — 3 Savile Row | |
Friday. 14th March [1884]. I went to the Drawing Room. Temmy, Mrs Bagot, Blanche & her 2 little girls came to luncheon. I wore a mouse grey dress with a red train. I went very early as Lady Brett had begged me to do so & I found they, I & Ld Gerard were the only people in the entrè room for a long time & I got very tired of waiting. The Pss of Wales received for the Queen– She, Pss Beatrice, the P. of Wales & D. of Cambridge were the only Royalties there. I remained there in order to see Mrs Willy Waring whom I had presented & then hurried home but I did not take off my finery as the twins Du Cane girls had come up from Roehampton to see me. Mrs Bagot & Temmy were also at tea. Annie Murray & Mr Murray, Mr G. Howard, Mr Burton & Henry came also Mrs Tom Bruce & Ella Drake. On asking the latter if she expected us to dine with them I found she had mistaken the day. However she begged us to come & said they would be quite alone wh we much preferred & we had a nice quiet evening with them. Alice & Ola slept here. | |
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