0Thursday. 3rd April [1884]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 April 1884 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 3rd April [1884]. I walked to Hamilton Hse to see Cornelia & ask for news of Mamma & found she is expected tomorrow. I went thence on foot to 4 Chesterfield Gardens to see Lady Somers. I stayed some time talking to her and then went on to Marshall & Snelgrove to try on my mourning gown. I met Blanche & her 2 little girls there shopping & so I went on a little way with them & got back to lunch rather late & found Maria had come to lunch. At 3 went out in the brougham took Maria shopping & finally left her at Mrs Glyn’s & then I went to meet Henry in the Park & brought him home. Henry & I dined with Connie. Charlie was not there having gone to sleep at Buckingham Palace to be ready to start early tomorrow to meet the body of the D of Albany at Portsmouth. Bee & Evely played violin & the cello to us in the evening.

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