0Tuesday. 22nd April [1884]—Branksome Dene, Poole, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 April 1884 — Branksome Dene, Poole, Dorset
Tuesday. 22nd April [1884]. Walked in the garden. Wrote letters. Went by 12 train to Canford. Ivor had gone to Poole early & joined Cornelia & us at Poole Station. We got to Canford abt 1 & went over the house to see the damage caused by the fire in the winter. The staircase was entirely gutted & it was wonderful to think how the rest of the house escaped destruction. The blackened picture frames remained empty in the passage near, the walls of all the passages of the house were covered with smoke & black. The smoke seems to have beaten half way down the walls—to have then collected in masses & slowly trickled down so it was like lamp black to the touch.

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