0Thursday. 5th [June 1884]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 June 1884 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 5th [June 1884]. Breakfast at 9 & at 10.12 the Murrays left to go by the 11 o’cl train to go with Malcolm to Longarone. Henry & Alice took them to the station. I sat & read all the morning & had a headache all day. I finished reading Pss Alice’s letters & was very much delighted with them & very much touched. One felt quite sorry never to have known her. Ld & Ly Sligo came to call & stayed some time. After lunch Henry & Alice went out. I remained at home. At 4.30 they returned & Miss Bronson called but a storm began & she went off directly. The storm soon burst upon us in all its fury—it became dark and there was a good deal of hail & pouring rain. It lasted till nearly 7 & then cleared but rained a little all the evening. Alice & I went to bed very early. Henry went out to see the Edens–

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