0Monday. 9th [June 1884]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 June 1884 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 9th [June 1884]. I painted while Alice read aloud. After lunch Henry took Mr Clayton to Murano, Alice took a walk with Regina & I went forth solemnly to pay visits. I found Pss of Montenegro at home also Mme Castellani & Countess Lutzow who is staying in Venice for a while & then I returned home to tea & found Henry had brought in Mr Clayton & his daughter. Ld & Lady Alwyne Compton & Miss de Grey came to tea & also Css Canevaro & Mlle Cozzi & they stayed some time talking. We went out after dinner. Henry & Alice walked in the Piazza. I went to the Pension Suisse to see Miss Grant & to ask after her sick niece & then on to the Edens where I found Olga Mocenigo. Henry & Alice joined me later & we all went home; it was cold & raining a little. We heard today that there had been rows in the Piazza last night. About 100 gamins had collected & shouted “down with Austria” & long live Oberdan—the Trieste youth who wanted to shoot at the Emperor & who had been put to death. He had studied in Italy & sympathy had been felt for him.

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