0Tuesday. 17th June [1884]—Verona
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 June 1884 — Verona
Tuesday. 17th June [1884]. Luckily it was a fine day so we packed up & went out after breakfast & drove off to S. Fermo to see the church & cloister. The old sacristano knew Henry & was anxious to show him what had been done since he had seen him. How a flight of steps from the nave to the choir had been moved & placed in the original state going down into the crypt again. We went on to S. Bernadino & then to the Cathedral & then returned to the Hotel—lunched & went off to the Station & left by 12.20 train for Turin where we arrived at 8 o’clk. Had tea & went to bed– Hotel d’Europe–

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