0Thursday. 3rd [July 1884]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 July 1884 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 3rd [July 1884]. Hotter than ever. Painted. Read aloud. Mme Martini called. I went out directly after T to call on Css Valmarana & Mme Nitta whose “day” it was. Mr & Mrs Story & Dr Nevin dined with us & after dinner we went to Mrs Bronson’s. I also went a moment to Mrs Eden to ask her to get a carrying chair made for Miss Grant. Frontali was at Mrs Bronson’s playing the violin. Mrs B made us cool American drinks. It was Edith Bronson’s birthday. Alice got a telegram to say her brother Arthur wd arrive tomorrow.

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