0Saturday. 12th July [1884]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 July 1884 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 12th July [1884]. Very hot. Finished packing. Talked to Cortelazzo. Ersilia came to bid us good bye. Mr Malcolm came over to show us an ivory hunting horn he had brought to him on sale. Sent out servants Luigi & Gigia off by a 11 AM train. Lunched at 1.30. During lunch we suggested that we should take the little cockatiel “Joey” with us to Longarone so I got up from table & went upstairs to find a cage to carry him in. Regina found one & I took him out of it to wait whilst she put in the seed &c. Joey hopped upon to my shoulder to my head & suddenly took flight right thro’ the scarcely opened shutter & was gone. I rushed to the window– There was no sign of him. Knowing that his wing was cut & that he could not fly much I made sure he had fallen into the canal & must be drowned. We sent the gondoliers to look abt. At one moment I thought I saw him on the Campo opposite & Henry went off in gondola to see but found only a pigeon– A gondolier called out in passing to ask what they were looking for as he had seen another gondolier pick a bird out of the water & carry it off– He told our man the name of the gondolier who had the bird & we were much relieved but we had to start for the station & left them to get it back. We found Mr Malcolm at the station & he had got a carriage for us. We started by 3.18 train. At Treviso there was a great delay owing to the wheel of a carriage being on fire, so that when we got to Conegliano we found we were an hour late & the train to Vittorio was gone. We waited an hour & had some coffee & got to Vittorio at 7. There were 2 carriages ready. Henry & I & Mr Malcolm got into one, Alice & Arthur in the other. We stopped at the ‘Giraffa’ Inn in Serravalle to pick up Mrs West & a young lady friend of hers Miss Nightingale & took them also to Longarone. As we got into the valley leading into the mountains we left the heat & scirocco behind us & began to breathe. We had a delightful drive and got to La Punta abt 10.30. Had some supper & went to bed.

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