0Monday. 14th [July 1884]—La Punta, Longarone
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 July 1884 — La Punta, Longarone
Monday. 14th [July 1884]. All the party went off to Zoldo, excepting myself, early in the morning. I breakfasted in my room at 8—read, wrote &c till 12 when I went down to lunch. A strong scirocco blew & it looked like a furnace down in the valley over Belluno. When the sun was behind the mountain, abt 4 I went & sat out of doors & had tea brought me there. At 6 I had to come in as a storm came up & there was some hail. The others returned home abt 6.30 & luckily the storm did not come to much. We dined at 7 & went early to bed. There was a good deal of lightening. I had enjoyed a quiet restful day. 80° in doors.

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