0Monday. 21st [July 1884]—La Punta, Longarone
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 July 1884 — La Punta, Longarone
Monday. 21st [July 1884]. Called at 7. Breakfast in our room. Copied for Henry. Alice read aloud for an hour. Dressed for lunch at 12. A lovely cool day. After lunch I went up to the summer house with Alice & Arthur & painted flowers. Came in and copied– Read to Henry out of the Quarterly an article on Peter the Great. Tea at 4. Alice & Arthur set off before tea to walk up the mountain behind Longarone & did not come in till just dinner time. After tea I went out & sat down to draw a beautiful wild flower a tall handsome plant with broad leaves & a yellow flower & at 6 took a little turn with Henry & then came in & I read to him for an hour & finished Peter the Great. Dinner at 7.30. Drew flowers & played cribbage.

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