0Sunday. 17th [August 1884]—Baveno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 August 1884 — Baveno
Sunday. 17th [August 1884]. Up at 7.30. Dressed directly after breakfast. Went to church at 10.30. There were only the Colnaghis & 2 others besides Mr Tottenham the clergyman & his wife and daughter. I sat with Mrs Colnaghi to help the choir. Back to lunch at 12.30. The midday post brought letters from England amongst them a dispatch from Lord Granville saying Henry is to have his ambassador’s pension at last! It is to begin on 23rd Oct. being the 15 years from the time he went to Madrid as Minister & had the Queen’s commission. It is a comfort that this small piece of justice is at last done—altho’ H. would rather have had active work. Painted flowers till 3. Took a carriage & drove to Belgirate to call on the Cairoli’s. We were not sure of the house & stopped to ask of an old man. He said that we were actually at the house. A window door suddenly opened in the front of the house & out dashed Mme Cairoli with screams of delight & she was followed by Mme Enrichetta veuve Castellani also shouting—then came Cairoli “Benedetto mio” as his wife calls him– They took us indoors & were most kind & pleasant & gave us tea & took us over their garden & we stayed till past 5 & then drove back to the Hotel at Baveno in time for our 6.30 dinner. Had next to us Ct Collobiano whom we had known as secy of Legation at Madrid & after at Constantinople & we sat out in the garden till 10 hearing news of all our friends & acquaintances at Consple as he only left there last year & is now in the F.O. at Rome.

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