0Tuesday. 2nd September [1884]—Borgo Vico, Como
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 September 1884 — Borgo Vico, Como
Tuesday. 2nd September [1884]. Up at 7 & had our tea; wrote letters &c Lunch at 11. Sat out in the garden. It was hot & cloudy. We sent off Gigia with the luggage by train to Milan at 11. oclock & we went by the tramway at 1.46 ourselves. The d’Addas & all the party accompanied us to the station taking us in the boat. We got to Milan about 4 and when we arrived at the station at Milan all the passengers were bundled into a small room, the doors were shut & we were kept 5 minutes under fumigation—basins of disinfectants were put about & when the outer air was excluded the smell of creosote was very strong and one tasted it for the rest of the day. When this farce was over we were allowed to go our several ways—& if we had had the cholera we should still have had it fumigation notwithstanding. We went to the Hotel Cavour & then went out for a walk to the gallery & bought some silks for Mme d’Adda– Dined at 7. At 8 Morelli came & spent an hour with us & we went early to bed.

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