0Friday. 12th [September 1884]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 September 1884 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 12th [September 1884]. I had a lesson in painting of Desideri & then went on painting till lunch & Cortelazzo sat & talked to me. We had a talk to our servant Luigi & persuaded him to stay with us offering to raise his wages & he promised to try & get off his engagement to the Russians. Mme Bassecourt came to call & stayed chatting some time. After dinner the newspaper came in bringing better news of the cholera at Naples—the cases of yesterday were only 860! There was also a telegram in the paper saying that it was true that Dufferin was going as Viceroy of India & that Henry was spoken of as likely to succeed him at Constantinople—too beautiful a dream ever to come true– I played the harmonium & then cribbage with Henry but it was hard work with thoughts all on this telegram.

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