0Thursday. 18th [September 1884]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 September 1884 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 18th [September 1884]. Painted most of the morning. Henry went out to see pictures. Lunched at 1.30 & went off afterwards to the Edens’ garden where we landed & then went off with them for a giro in their steam launch. I was not feeling very well & was rather low thinking about Consple & Henrys chances of going there which seem so small & the outing did me good. We went first out to sea beyond the Lido & the air was delightful. It was a very hot day in the town & the sea air was most refreshing. It was curious too, to see the real blue sea water which was quite different when we left the Lagoon yellow water & made quite a line on the sea. We turned back after a little while & went into the canal of the Tre Porti. The tide was very low & we only just got through. It was very pretty. The banks were covered with michelmas daisys & Sea lavender & every here & there we passed peasants shipping baskets of peaches or grapes piled up & ready to be carried away to Venice for market. We got back to Venice just after sunset (¼ to 7). The colours of sky & sea were lovely and we had had a very pleasant afternoon & excellent tea on the way. We dined at 7.30 & did not go out again. I wrote letters in the evening & then we played cribbage.

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