0Tuesday. 23rd [September 1884]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 September 1884 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 23rd [September 1884]. Lesson of Desideri which lasted from 9.30 till 1.30! & so we made him have lunch with us & then returned to work for a little while longer till it became so overcast from a threatening storm that he had to stop. Henry & Mr Colnaghi went out together & returned just in time to escape the storm wh broke at last overhead. Henry & I went to dine with the Edens leaving Mr Colnaghi to entertain Mr Zuccato whom we begged him to invite to dinner in our absence. We met Mrs & Capt. Briscoe at dinner & were kept in fits of laughter by Capt. B’s quaint Irish stories.

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