0Thursday. 16th October [1884]—Florence
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 October 1884 — Florence
Thursday. 16th October [1884]. Henry went out directly after breakfast & at 11 I joined him at the Uffizzi & we stayed there looking at the pictures till one when we returned to luncheon. After lunch I walked out to the Goodban’s library to meet Henry who had gone to see Colnaghi—we went to Ginori’s shop to order cups Mrs Eden wanted. Then Henry went to the club and I walked back to the hotel. We went to dine with the Colnaghis at 7.30. Met the New Prefect of Florence Senator Gaddi & Profr Milanesi. In the evening several English people came to tea, Major Light, the Russian Consul, Mr Villari & his stepdaughter &c &c. Regina arrived here from Venice this evening.

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