0Monday. 27th October [1884]—Castagnolo
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 October 1884 — Castagnolo
Monday. 27th October [1884]. We left Castagnolo by the 9 o’cl train & got to Florence abt 10. I went off at once to the picture gallery & went on with my copy of the little Correggio & returned to the Hotel to lunch at 1.30. At 2 Henry & I went off to Count Pelagi’s to have another look at the writing table we had bought. We then went to Mme Villari’s & I paid her a visit. She lives at the very top of a house (93 Via Pinti). We returned to the Hotel. I read aloud to Henry till dinner. After dinner we had a fire lit & I read again. Played cribbage.

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