0Wednesday. 29th October [1884]—Florence
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 October 1884 — Florence
Wednesday. 29th October [1884]. Being a cold damp day we were not tempted to go out in the morning but we lunched at 12.30 & then went in a carriage to drive up to the Certosa. It was unfortunate the day was so dull for the splendid view up there did not show to advantage. A monk in white garments showed us over the church & convent & took us to see one of the suite of rooms inhabited by the priests. It was just 2 oclock when we were in the cloister & it was curious to see white figures silently emerge from the doors & go towards the church for vespers. From the Certosa we drove to S. Leonardo on the road near the road leading to San Miniato & Henry went to examine the tombstones in the wall there wh had been put up to 2 of his little brothers. Then we went on to San Miniato & went about in the cemetery. There were a good many people there tydying up the graves & preparing them for Sunday wh is the day of the Morti. Some ladies were dusting wreaths & candlesticks with their pocket handkerchiefs. In a corner of the church under the high altar we found the grave of Henry’s old friend Mme Mancini Le Guay with whom he had often stayed with a child at Cortona & Henry had never heard where she died & where she was buried. We returned to the hotel abt 4. Dined at 7 & at 8.30 Henry went to the theatre. I worked & wrote letters & went early to bed.

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