0Tuesday. 18th [November 1884]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 November 1884 — Paris
Tuesday. 18th [November 1884]. Richard left by the tidal train for London. Henry took Maria & me for a walk on the Quay on the other side of the river to look into the bookstalls & print shops & we also went to Hachettes to buy books for children & returned to the Hotel by 1 for luncheon. Maria & Dacre went out together & I & Henry took a walk but it began to drizzle so we did not care to stop out. Mr Atlee came to call & he recommended us a French cook who came to see us—but had been at the Court of Madrid—with Ambassadors & Rothschilds in Paris & asked £100 a year all of wh made him impossible for us. Henry took Dacre to dine at Champeaux’s & to the theatre. Maria & I dined together & went early to bed.

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