0Thursday. 20th [November 1884]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 November 1884 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 20th [November 1884]. Unpacked all the morning & put the drawing room in order. Had my brougham from today by the month. Mr Rate called in for a few moments. I drove out 3 o’cl went to order stationery & then to see Mama. I found Monty there & when he had gone Mama told me that Monty had told her that if we liked to buy of him No 1 Queen Anne St wh he has just bought of the Granville Gordons he would sell it to us. Mama said she would go there tomorrow & ask if I might go & see the house. Home to tea at 5. We dined at Sir Wm Gregory’s 3 St George’s Place & met the Servian Minister & his wife, Mr Smalley an American correspondent, & his wife—Mr & Lady Anne Blunt, Mr Thomson Hankey & Mr Cartwright. Excellent dinner but rather a scratch lot for company. The Servian Minister’s wife was a curious & amusing woman. She is evidently German American—but drops every H in the English language & has been of humble degree. She told us they were staying at Claridges & how dear they found it & then she prattled on about her ’ouse at Belgrade wh she had let & then lent & now could not get back.

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