0Tuesday. 25th November [1884]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 November 1884 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 25th November [1884]. Vans came & went all the morning with our furniture & we went on moving in our things. Edward came in in the morning & gave me some domestic advice. I walked round to Langham House to see Mamma & returned to lunch. Sir Wm & Lady Gregory lunched with us & she went off at 3 & I went out driving with Blanche. We went to Wilson & Barrons & we ordered all my household small requirements & then went to Matlocks & ordered common china & walked home from there by 5 o’cl. We dined at Sir Erskine & Lady Mays & had a very pleasant little party. We met Mr & Mrs Stern, Sir Julian & Lady Goldsmid & Mr Elliot. Lord Mintos son who is lame but very pleasant. Sir Julian took me to dinner. His wife is Italian & very pretty & lively & they both spoke with much affection of my brother Arthur.

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