0Wednesday. 26th [November 1884]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 November 1884 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 26th [November 1884]. The house was so uncomfortable by reason of the front door being open to bring the things out of the van that I thought it as well to go out for a walk. I went to see Susan Hambro & found her just going out to walk so I went with her shopping & then she gave me luncheon at her house in Mansfield St. After lunch Blanche took me out driving & we came in at 5. Mildred came to tea also Alice & Maria & later Blanche & her small boy Vere. Mr Rate dined with us to see the house & he & Henry played billiards all the evening. My brother Arthur also came in for a few minutes– He had been dining with our mother.

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