0Monday. 1st December [1884]—Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 December 1884 — Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
Monday. 1st December [1884]. Lady Aveland & her girls left before breakfast. I went on with my copying all the morning till lunch at 2. At 3 I went out driving with Cornelia. She went to see Mrs Harris at Wimborne. Col. Harris is nephew & heir to Ld Malmesbury & manages the estate. Mrs H. is Irish & does not seem to be anything very remarkable. We went to Dean’s Court & called on Lady Gibson Craig who was at home. She seems very feeble & shaky & one can hardly believe she has a mother (Mrs Vivian) living. We went on to call on Col. & Mrs Paget & found them also at home & it was nearly dark at 4.30 when we got home again. Dinner at 8.

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