0Friday. 5th December [1884]—Aldermaston Court, Aldermaston, Berkshire
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 December 1884 — Aldermaston Court, Aldermaston, Berkshire
Friday. 5th December [1884]. Fine morning. Began to copy Mr Burr’s little Boccaccino. At 11 we went out for a drive, went down to village to leave some messages & then to Upton Court to see Miss Sharpe whom we found at home & she showed us her studio. We got home for luncheon at 1.30. I sat all the afternoon drawing until dark. After tea I went upstairs & played cribbage with the Squire. Mr Lewis of St Pierre came to dine & sleep. We were a party of 12 to dinner, 2 Miss Warings from Beckham, Col. Philips, Mr Warrington Philips & their sister Mrs Freeman made up the party. The young people sang discordantly in the evening.

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