0Thursday. 11th December [1884]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 December 1884 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Thursday. 11th December [1884]. After writing & settling household affairs I put my stores book under my arm & went off to No 15 to get Blanche to help me to order my stores. Edward was at home & they both good naturedly made out my list for me. I went to Mansfield St to see Susan Hambro a moment & found her just going out so I came home. Henry lunched with the Gregorys. Maria came up to lunch with me & stayed till 3 when Louis her son fetched her. At 3.30 Blanche called for me & we went to call on Mr Forbes in Pont Street & found her at home. We did a little shopping & went to Lady May who was not at home so I returned with Blanche to tea & heard her children read, sing & play the piano & so only went home in time to dress for dinner. Dined with the Misses Duff Gordon & met Mr Wade, Mr Cavendish Taylor, Mr Cosmo Gordon & Mr Aleck Ross (their 2 nephews) & a young Mme Rennschen a handsome Belgian divorced from a bad Russian husband. She was oddly & somewhat picturesquely dressed, dark with expressive eyes. After dinner she sang to a guitar as also the piano in a most dramatic way.

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