0Tuesday. 3rd March [1885]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 March 1885 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 3rd March [1885]. At 10½ I went to see Blanche & at 11.30 I went out in the brougham to see Cornelia whom I found at home. I went on to see Mrs Rate she had a bad cold. I took Eda Rate out with me & we went to the Auxiliary Stores & we bought flowers & plants & I got back in time for lunch. It was a wet day & unpleasant. Maria & Alice came to lunch & Maria & I went out together first to Langham House where was Miss Oliver & Temmy—the first time she had been well eno’ to come up to town since her stroke in the autumn. We went to 25 Park Crescent the house M & Rd have bought to take some measurements & then we went back to the Stores & I bought a Wardian case for my ferns & sent it down to Exeter House for Maria to stock it for me. Home to tea at 5 & Maria went home. Alice remained & dined & slept. We had to dinner Mr & Mrs Fred Post, Mme Reyntiens, my brother Arthur, Mr & Mrs Victor Drummond. In the evening Ivor & Cornelia, the Misses Duff Gordon, Annie Murray, Mrs Hambro & Nety & Mr Okeden came & we had a great deal of singing. Mr Post sang “Colenitto” beautifully & he & Mme R sang a fine duett of his composition.

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