0Thursday. 5th [March 1885]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 March 1885 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Thursday. 5th [March 1885]. Went to see Blanche at 11.30 & then drove to the Stores to get flowers for this evenings dinner. Home by lunch. Alice Du Cane left us this morning & returned home. Drove out at 3.30 & went to dressmaker to meet Connie to go to Mme Waddington’s together. There we met Lady Brett who told us we shd not find Mme W today so we gave it up & I went to see poor old Lady Sinclair who has suddenly lost the sight of one eye. I went to tea with Blanche at 5.30. Met Mrs Sydney Glyn there. On coming home I found a box of flowers from Cornelia & put them up in water. Dinner party consisting of Ivor, Mr & Mrs Tom Bruce & Miss Bruce, Mr & Mrs Jeune, Hobart Pasha & Mrs Hobart Hampden.

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