0Wednesday. 25th [March 1885]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 March 1885 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 25th [March 1885]. Worked at frame. It was foggy. Connie came to see me & stayed to lunch. Henry went to the city. Mama came in just as Connie, Blanche & I began lunch & we persuaded her to stay to lunch & she left directly after. Connie was playing the piano in the drawing room after lunch when she stopped & asked if we did not smell fire, on going to the back staircase I found it full of smoke. I sent the house maid down to see & she said some cotton wool had been on fire—we went down to the servants appartments & found a great deal of smoke & then discovered some cotton wool in the plate room wh had caught fire was still smoldering—we made them put it all into water & then retired satisfied. I went out driving & fetched Henry home from the Atheneum. We had a dinner party consisting of Genl Sir Collingwood & Lady Dickson, Genl Frederic Layard & Miss Flo, Mr Hugh MacDonell, Miss Hogarth & Miss Du Cane, Miss Florence Layard.

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