0Friday. 17th April [1885]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 April 1885 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Friday. 17th April [1885]. I went out shopping in the morning & paid visits in the afternoon– Went to see Mrs Bruce about her coming ball– Sent Biraghi and the Italian servants to Crystal Palace. I went after tea to 25 Park Cresct. to see Maria & how she was getting on with her furnishing. We walked back together, she returned to Langham House & I went to see Mr Hambro to condole abt the sudden death of Val Hambro & then hurried home, dressed & went to dine at Lady Kemballs to meet “Billy Russell” the old Times Correspondent & his young Italian bride, we also met old Mrs Mildmay who is still wonderful, 82, a palsied head—imperfect articulation on acct of some stroke but still good looking & agreeable & with a youthful figure & a “marquise” get up. Mrs Russell, who was Lady Angelina’s companion, is evidently not so young as some would make out & I should say wd never see 40 again– Arthur Du Cane left us.

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