0Tuesday. 21st April [1885]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 April 1885 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 21st April [1885]. I went out in the morning to see Blanche—met Connie there & they went out together. I went on to Marylebone Road to enquire abt an excessive gas bill & came home to lunch. Arthur & little Rhuvon came to lunch– I drove out at 3 with Blanche & brought her home at 4.30 & then went on to shop & went to Mrs S. Bruce to see her preparations for tonight, came home at 6– Arthur & Rhuvon dined with us at 7 & then we 4 went to the Savoy Theatre leaving Henry to spend his eveng alone– We saw the “Mikado” a very pretty comic opera by Sullivan– Grossmith was most amusing & the scenery & dresses perfect. I had to come away at 10.30 to go to Pk Cresct. to fetch Alice & take her to Mrs Bruce’s ball. We stayed there till 1 & both being tired we then came home. Connie & Bee were there & Arthur.

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