0Tuesday. 28th April [1885]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 April 1885 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 28th April [1885]. Mr Vigor came & I took him to Blanche & made him alter & improve his pastelle sketch of her & sat by while he did it & only returned home to lunch. Dear old Mrs Hamilton of Craighlaw came to lunch & also little Evely Elliot. After lunch I went a moment to Mr Hambros to borrow some india rubber for Mr Vigor & then on to Blanche & we went driving together shopping– At 5 she left me at the tailor’s where I stayed to try on a dress & then I went on to Marshall & Snelgrove in search of a cloak & then came home. Dined with Sir John & Lady de Gex & I sat next a little old gentleman who turned out to be Mr Archer Shee & he was very pleasant. We talked politics & abused Gladstone together & he lamented that Henry was out of politics & he was delighted at being able to run down the present Govt with me as he was bottling up his sentiments to please our host. He told me he had lived when a boy in Cavendish Sqr & he could perfectly remember that the old Dss. of Chandro who lived at Chandro House used to drive out every day in her coach & four with 2 outriders each in different liveries. Next Mr Shee sat a handsome blonde Jewess—fair, fat & forty with golden hair & really very pretty in spite of an affected manner– Mrs Beddington a daughter of, Judge Simon. She played the piano most magnificently & played piece after piece by heart of the most difficult music by Liszt, Chopin, Mendelssohn &c.

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