0Wednesday. 29th April [1885]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 April 1885 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 29th April [1885]. I walked out at 11, went to Susan Hambro to ask if she was going to walk with me & agreed to return at 12– I went shopping & returned for her & we then walked about & shopped & I only got back for lunch at 1.30 & was so tired that at lunch I had a crying fit. Alice Du Cane came to lunch & then she & I drove together & we paid a visit to the Misses Monk who were at home & gave us tea. Henry & I dined with the Rates & met Mr & Mrs Duff the dean of Windsor & Mr Davidson, the Misses Tait &c. At 10.30 Henry & I walked round to Mrs Bloomfield Moores to a party she had to show off the conjuror Verbeck. His sleight of hand was very clever—his manner detestable & heavily French– Towards the end of the performance he showed off Mlle Marguerite & mesmeric tricks– A stout painted woman with black hair hanging loose turned out to be Mlle Marguerite. She was placed on a chair in front of us & was put to sleep or pretended to be so– Then Verbeck told different people to decide what different actions she should go through & he led her by his will to do it. She took one lady’s fan away & gave it to another. She took off one lady’s glove & put it into her other hand. She caressed Oscar Wylde’s hair to everyone’s merriment, & then was led back to her chair by Verbeck’s will & awakened. Then he put her again to sleep & bid her open her eyes—& led her to Sir Edmond Du Cane & willed she should fix her eyes on his—& what ever way he turned she followed him & tore away his hands when he hid them from her. After a time he (V) put her into a state of Catalepsy & then laid her on the ground & any body was allowed to go & try to raise her arms or her legs & it was revolting to see the woman pulled about. I went off to Mr Monk’s ball with Alice at Buckingham Gate & it was not amusing to either of us. Lord Hawarden was introduced to me & gave me some supper & was rather amusing. We were home by 1.30.

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