0Wednesday. 22nd July [1885]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 July 1885 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 22nd July [1885]. I sat to Mr Vigor in the morning from 8 till 9.30 when we breakfasted & again a little while after. Worked with Mlle Emma Holas nearly all day. At 4.30 I went out in gondola & joined Henry & Sir John Lumley & Mr Colnaghi & we went to the Edens’ garden & Carry picked me flowers for my dinner table. Had just time to arrange them & dress for dinner. Mrs Eden, Lady Bagot & Katie Bagot, Countess Brandolin, Signor dell Aglio dined with us & we had a few people come in the evening. It was a little bit cooler & I slept a little better tonight.

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